Jui Adhikary
Batch: SCN7, Session: 2018-19
I’m Jui Adhikary, a student of 4th year B.Sc. in Nursing course of SQUARE College of Nursing. I’ve earned 6th position in the 3rd year final examination among all the Nursing Colleges Under University of Dhaka.
First of all, I’m thankful to God and my parents who have always encouraged me from afar and constantly struggling for my future. I’m grateful to my Principal madam, respected teachers and the college authority for their kind cooperation.
I have never avoided my duties as a student and studied hard as much as I needed and finally this result solidifies my beliefs and inspires me to work even harder. Last but not the least I’m thankful to everyone for their constant belief in me and hope to do well even better in the future.
Jui Adhikary
Batch: SCN7
Session: 2018-19