Mst. Nasima Khatun
Principal, Associate Professor
It’s my pleasure to get the opportunity of writing a few words of the students of SQUARE College of Nursing . As a Principal of this college, it is really a matter of great satisfaction for me to be one of the pioneers of this noble voyage.
We all know that Bangladesh is blessed with innumerable talented young folks who are trying to change the future of the nation with their intellect and enthusiasm. Nursing could easily be one of the prosperous professions. But regrettably enrollment rate in nursing education is not satisfactory in our country. Reasons are low capacity of enrolment in the existing nursing institutions in Bangladesh and the long cherished stigma that the profession encounters without any reason. In our country there is an acute storage of nurses both in public and private health care sectors. This is probably the only profession where worldwide storage has been continuing for decades. In U.S.A, U.K and Canada, storage of qualified nurses has turned so heightened that researchers are foreseeing disastrous consequences in their health services. The aforesaid countries meanwhile have taken some measures that can enhance enrolmentin nursing education to a desired level.
Before launching B.Sc. Nursing course in SCN the whole reality was studied with great attention and it was found that there are immense demand potentials of this profession both home and abroad. I firmly believe that the prospective students of this course will attain a useful and rewarding degree that shall offer them a dignified life. SCN can assure the guardians that it will equip the students with proper knowledgeand skill so that they can compete anywhere in the world job market and serve their profession with utmost efficiency.
Here I take the unique opportunity in conveying my heartiest thanks to all members of the Board of Directors, who made efforts to obtain government approval for launching and running the course in SQUARE College of Nursing. I am grateful to Almighty Allah for all the achievements presently we have.
I have my best wishes for the students- The Little Ladies with the Lamp- for their holy desire to join this noble profession.
May Allah bless us all .
Mst. Nasima Khatun
Principal (i/c)
SQUARE College of Nursing